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Dental Clinics: Evaluation Criteria for Implementing an EHR System in Healthcare Settings

Many innovations, adaptations of technology, and reorganizations of the health care system are always occurring, all with the goal of improving efficiency. Establishing the need and preparedness for innovation requires careful consideration of factors related to individual and organizational psychology, organizational and personal structure.

Findings and Recommendations from the Research Assessment

The clinics' preparedness for the new technology was determined with the use of the Ready, Set, change! decision support tool for implementing electronic health records. Both the preparedness for change effort and the e-health initiative were deemed less urgent than the tool's advice because of an emphasis on the psychological rather than structural aspects of the organization. The following are the most important things learned: Out of a total of 51 questions, discovered that only 9 (18%) were meant to evaluate the importance of organizational psychology.

Changes in the Use of Information Systems and Technology Within Organizations Rating of Readiness

Psychiatric/Mental State of the Person: 0%

Personal Structural Component: 0%

Psychological Services for Organizations, 17%

The majority (72%) of the organization's problems stem from structural issues.

Other: 9.8%

This passage was derived from (Tool for Getting Ready to Make a Change).

Contrarily, this finding is ascribed only to the healthcare environment in the context of nursing, and not to the healthcare infrastructure as a whole.

The evaluation instrument may be used as a corrective measure to suggest an improved option, which is a major plus. While the previous evaluation placed a greater emphasis on organizational psychology, this alternative measure places a greater emphasis on health information technology and electronic health records. There are a total of 57 items on this scale, with 16 (or 28%) focusing on Organizational Structural concerns. This provides a deeper understanding of the most important factors to consider when evaluating an EHR system.

Personal Psychological Measurement: 28.1%

Personal Structural Component: 5.3%

10 % of the budget goes on psychological services for the organization.

The structure of the organization accounts for 28.1%.

Other: 28.1%

It's time for a switch (from the Ready, Set, Switch tool).

The tool's high percentage of "others" (28.1%) is a severe shortcoming. There are several components of the measure that do not directly evaluate preparedness, and these are accounted for under the heading "others" (such as, characteristics of the involvement; external influences such as policy; quality of evidence supporting intervention).


Working on the individual psychology and organizational psychology that have a suggested rating of 28.1% and 10.5%, respectively, will make it simpler for the Oaklands Multispecialty Dental Care Centre Inc. to adopt the robust Electronic Health Record system, which already has a solid organizational structure. The group include individuals whose viewpoints may either support or cast doubt on the usefulness of the cutting-edge e-health system. Foresight and clear communication are crucial to the success of this invention. It is crucial that we take the initiative to instill a feeling of urgency about the need of implementing this innovation throughout the company.

Managers have a responsibility to encourage employees to embrace the electronic health record system by clarifying their responsibilities in the transformation. The uncertainty that comes with such upheaval makes our healthcare professionals nervous. For this reason, workers need management's approval before they can take part in the project and provide their thoughts. As a result, there will be more support inside the company to carry out the transformation strategy. If they are going to benefit from the innovation, they will have to alter their outlook.

All workers should have a development mentality and a willingness to always learn and improve as part of their job responsibilities. When compared to workers in workplaces where there is a lack of unity and common goals, individuals who share similar ideals and objectives often come out on top. By setting objectives and providing a mechanism for receiving and processing feedback, performance management programs may significantly impact organizational norms and values (SHRM, n.d)

Individuals deserving of awards and other forms of recognition will be those who most closely represent the organization's core ideals. Because of this, the morale of the workforce will be boosted when the new technology is introduced. A solid foundation of mutual trust and respect is essential for both individual and organizational preparedness and ability to adapt to change. It's crucial to foster an environment where employees feel safe enough to voice opinions that differ from company policy and negotiate differences amicably.

Cummings and Huse (1989) argue that trust in both management and peers is necessary for a company's transformation initiatives to succeed (Eby, et al., 2000). The rollout of this innovation should be gradual and not happen too soon or too late so that workers have time to learn about the technology's benefits and adjust to it. The ability to make the appropriate choices quickly and to evaluate and update strategic plans in light of new information is essential to the success of any rapid Follower strategy, which requires ongoing planning and a flexible culture behind the scenes (CE0, n.d).


Cummings, T.G. and Huse, E.F. (1989). Organizational development and change. St Paul: West Publishing Company (pdf). Retrieved from

Eby, Lilian T., Adams, Danielle M., Russel, Joyce E. A., and Gaby, Stephen H. (2000). Perceptions of organizational readiness: factor related to employees’ reactions to the implementation of team based selling, Human Relation, 53(March), 419-442. (PDF). Retrieved from

Ready, Set, Change! A readiness for change decision support tool. (2021). Retrieved 16 June 2021, from


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