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Dental Succes:Strategies for establishing Your Dental Clinic as the Only Choice for Patients

Updated: Feb 3, 2023

The fragility of "barely getting by" dental businesses has been sharply exposed in recent years. The present record inflation, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the threat of World War III have produced a security 5 level of danger, but I have been a dentist for 2 decades and have never encountered a period when it was safe or smart to merely get by the dental practice.

In addition to all of these global dangers, private practitioners are increasingly seen as interchangeable because of the rise of corporate dentistry and the constant fee suppression by insurance companies. This is something that any dentist would definitely identify as false. However, this stereotype continues to spread in a society that places a dollar amount on everything but an actual value on nothing, painting our whole field in a single, undifferentiated shade of mediocrity.

To refute this myth, let us explore ways to build a thriving business that can weather economic storms and remain unaffected by the actions of competitors while still being a source of personal fulfillment and satisfaction.

The dental staff is where it all begins.

Since a committed, talented, and supportive staff is the foundation of any great dental office, we will focus on cultivating that first as we pursue this amazing ambition. Please put your faith in a person with four decades of wet-fingered and -gloved expertise, because if you don't, you'll never be better than the average doctor, no matter how hard you try, you can't win with only one person in the boat.

Finding the right people to join your team is the first step since a dissatisfied and subsequently high-turnover workforce is the result of hiring the wrong people. Although the art of hiring is worthy of a whole book, I'll give you a glimpse of my well-honed process anyway.

Make a compelling advertisement that lists all the ways in which your company can help its applicants succeed and distribute it through tried-and-true recruitment channels. You have plenty to contribute in a job market where high-paying, 9-to-5 positions with excellent benefits and working conditions that are pleasant for both employees and employers are becoming rare.

Specify in the posting that a hard copy resume must be brought to the office in person. The person who first interacts with the applicant will strike up a discussion and then document her thoughts on the matter using a standard form. In contrast to the formal interview environment, when everyone is on their best behaviour, this setup provides a naturalistic look at how individuals act when they don't know they're being assessed.

The most qualified applicants will be selected for a phone interview after I evaluate their resumes and first impression forms. These are also performed according to a regular structure and are usually conducted by the department head the applicant would be joining (either the business office, the chairside, or the hygiene).

These are also performed according to a regular structure and are usually conducted by the department head the applicant would be joining (either the business office, the chairside, or the hygiene).

The next step is a 40-minute in-office interview with a chosen group of candidates (usually between six and eight) after I've reviewed our collective data. Even if I'm forced to schedule them on nights, weekends, and holidays, I refuse to use Skype or Zoom for the crucial recruiting process. The procedure is kept objective by my rigid adherence to a set of 24 questions, and the act of asking them compels me to stop talking, pay attention, and make notes.

The procedure is kept objective by my rigid adherence to a set of 24 questions, and the act of asking them compels me to stop talking, pay attention, and make notes.

The top two candidates have lunch with their potential department staff on the office's paycheck. Don't skip on this part, since I've already been told twice, "You don't need to know why, but not her."

Don't skip on this part, since I've already been told twice, "You don't need to know why, but not her."

As part of my method, I purposefully include a large number of already-present staff members. When everything is ready, the whole team gets together, and we only employ if we can all agree, so everyone has a vested stake in "her decision" succeeding.

I make the call, make the offer, field inquiries, and iron out the specifics while keeping an eye out for excitement. The absence of anything less than cheerfulness raises a big red flag.

When someone comes in second, we always send them flowers and a personal message thanking them for their interest and assuring them that their information will be kept on file. It's not an exact science, hiring people, and I've had to go with our second option after just a week or so.

In order to create the standardized forms we use so often, we depend largely on precise job descriptions for each role. We also use this data to create our one-of-a-kind demand advertising. We provide each new employee with a job-specific training booklet that lays out the expectations for his or her first few days on the job and designates a single senior team member as the key resource for this education.

To say that hiring the right staff is crucial to me is an understatement, and this short procedure exemplifies that. With a stellar team in place and formal training under way, it's time to think about how a dentist might set themselves apart via further education and training, keeping in mind that no one succeeds without the unwavering dedication of their amazing staff.

The next step is to further your education.

According to William James, considered the "founder of American psychology," "We may alter our circumstances by changing our attitude." Choosing to become a lifelong learner is a deliberate act of remarkable ambition. Even though you'll have to put in more work, you've done hard work before. Just think of all the benefits you'd get if you achieved mastery.

In order to make progress toward this aim, I set my winters aside each year to study the same subject in depth. One practical method for selecting a topic is to think about the processes to which you most often make reference. I've attended relevant seminars, studied relevant textbooks, focused on this topic from a clinical standpoint, and gone to relevant experts' offices.

It's hard to say no to a dentist who's referred a patient. Dentists' connections are strengthened by time spent together, which may lead to an increase in cross-referrals; moreover, I pay their employees lunch so that I am remembered when I phone, typically asking for a favour.

Think of how your abilities in endodontics, oral surgery, or removable prosthodontics may develop with only four months of dedicated study. One's enjoyment and financial success in doing tasks at which they excel seem to be closely linked. In addition to keeping the money that was recommended to you before, your patients will be grateful that you aren't sending them to a new doctor.

To get started, think about launching these initiatives first

Learning about occlusion and treating TMD will not only improve the quality of dental care, but also open up new revenue streams. 

My preferred approach, 6 Months Smiles, has developed an almost perfect method for aligning the front teeth of adult patients, with the help of skilled auxiliaries who do most of the work. Using tooth-colored archwires and brackets, this technique is almost undetectable, and fixed lingual retainers prevent a relapse. Learning all there is to know about orthodontics might be overwhelming, but most folks just want a nice smile regardless of whether they are Class II or have an overjet of 8mm. Having that option should be available to them, in my opinion. 

One of the most convenient and profitable procedures I provide is removable prosthodontics. However, I fear this skill is dying out due to a decline in medical professionals' ability and trust in their own abilities in the operating room. technologists will agree that their craft is a learned one, and I challenge you to name a medical operation that has a greater transformative effect on a patient's quality of life than the reconstruction of functional, healthy, and aesthetically pleasing teeth for the edentulous. 


It amazes me that some dentists spend their whole careers restricting themselves to the techniques they learned in dentistry school when so many more options are available. If you're willing to put in the time and effort to become an expert in your field, you'll be rewarded handsomely financially and intellectually for the rest of your life.

"Heaven ne'er helps the ones who will not act," Sophocles warned. Alternatively, "The good Lord assists those who help themselves," as my father often said. James Allen said it best, and I quote: "In all human activities, there are attempts and there are outcomes. "Success is directly proportional to the intensity of one's efforts." Becoming a dentist opens doors to rewarding opportunities. Get some guts and give it a good old fashioned punch.

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