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Why some Dentist are poor

Updated: Feb 7, 2023

What causes some dentists to be so incompetent at their jobs and hence reducing their revenue and earning horrible reputation?

The field of dentistry is not distinctive from any other professional field. It's just a fact that some dentists are better than others. It is said that ninety percent of dentists believe that they are better than average in their field. Obviously, it cannot be the case.

Dentistry is a challenging profession that leaves little room for error. You are providing medical care to a patient who is awake, but you only have a constrained amount of time to complete a surgery correctly on the first try. Even the smallest fault in your repair could end up being a major problem for you in the future. The bacteria will eventually make it inside.

Even the best dental work will be unsuccessful if the patient does not take proper care of their teeth or if their overall health is affected. On the other hand, I've seen individuals who have had subpar dental work and nevertheless maintained a clean mouth.

There is no doubt that some of the dentists out there are subpar. I can only speak for myself in this situation. After 15 years in practice, I've come to terms with the fact that I'm permanently tied to my job. Should anything go wrong, it is incumbent upon me to rectify the situation. It is in my best interest to get it, or else my money and goodwill become endangered!

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